Monitor & Control
Monitor and control is the process of measuring specific data and taking corrective action to assure that a project is on track to meet its goals. While monitoring systems observe and record environmental data to gain powerful insights into an entire system's status and performance, control systems actively maintain or change the state of a system through the use of actuators, ensuring complete control over it.

The scope of Telespazio Germany’s activities includes the definition of an operational concept which covers a set of standard operations activities related to the monitoring and control of both ground and space segments. Telespazio Germany also develops and maintains several Monitor and Control systems used in space operations:

  • EASE-Rise
  • EGS-CC

Our monitoring and control solutions are tailored to the needs of our clients to ensure that they retain the right level of situational awareness for their business. This entails access to all spacecraft, their subsystems and even external asset details which are relevant for the supervision of the respective mission.