Safety & Security

Today's operational conditions have significantly increased demands on safety and mission support. Requirements now include shorter lead and response times, alongside a high degree of flexibility in terms of geography and scheduling.

The role of space safety is becoming increasingly crucial. Space Domain Awareness stands at the frontier for technological, industrial, intelligence, and political competition. Innovations in this area are opening new scenarios for space operations conducted by specialised forces.

Simulation-based training systems

24/7 Satellite operations

Space situational awareness

Drone detection & protection

Safety and security represent strategic markets, driving the development of new technological capabilities, enhancing economic competitiveness, and fostering collaboration in multinational programs. Protecting national security, critical infrastructure, and industrial facilities demands tailored solutions to safeguard people and assets.

Telespazio Germany remains committed to advancing technological capabilities and providing robust solutions to meet the evolving needs of safety and security. Our expertise encompasses several key areas: