Ground Station Operations

The ground segment is the heart of all space systems. Drawing on experience and know-how acquired over the years in many space missions, Telespazio Germany offers effective end-to-end solutions for the ground segment. These solutions include systems to control, monitor and operate satellites while providing associated services.

Leveraging our longstanding expertise in Ground Station software, we empower our clients to achieve exceptional capabilities, performance, and innovation. We support the maintenance and evolution of ground station infrastructure software and assist in studies, procurement, testing, and acceptance phases related to Ground Station Equipment.

At Telespazio Germany, our dedicated team is committed to delivering ground station operations services. We combine technical proficiency with unparalleled experience to ensure the success of the missions.

Our Ground Station Operations Services cover antenna operational control for a wide range of missions and mission phases. Our key client in this sector is the German Aerospace Center (DLR), for whom we provide 24/7 service from the Weilheim Ground Station near Munich. Our technical staff manages complex systems, including multi-mission tracking antennas, up- and down converters, high-power amplifiers, and other DLR antenna control systems.

Additionally, we oversee the antennas of the German Armed Forces' satellite-based communication system, SATCOMBw. This includes managing intricate infrastructure configurations, conducting and archiving ranging measurements, and liaising with commercial space segment operators.

As a trusted partner for the European Space Agency (ESA), we are providing services for ESTRACK (ESA Tracking Network of Ground Stations), which links various spacecraft such as XMM-Newton, Mars Express, BepiColombo, and GAIA to ground systems and operators. For this network, our teams provide Ground Operations Engineering, Station Operations and Maintenance Engineering, RF Engineering, and Simulations.

For our clients, we provide a range of support services, including:

  • On-site Operators, Controllers, Analysts, and Engineers
  • ITIL-based Software Maintenance and Evolution Services
  • Near-site Engineering Support

Our near-site engineering support team is equipped with deep expertise and consistent skills, ensuring our clients achieve their goals. We maintain regulated and disciplined operations within the ESTRACK Control Centre, supporting ground station operations engineering across the network. This includes providing remote station operations experts.