Drone Detection

Stay Ahead of Drone Threats

The increasing availability of inexpensive, easily operated small drones has turned drones into a widespread phenomenon. High-profile failures in drone detection, such as flaws in France's system for the 2024 Olympics and tests at Germany's busiest airports, underscore a growing threat. These failures make one thing clear: assessing a drone detection system before investing is not just crucial; it’s imperative.

Proactive Drone Threat Management

Staying ahead of drone threats requires a proactive approach. Our drone detection system, DIDIT - Distributed Detection, Identification, and Tracking of small drones, provides the insights and tools necessary to evaluate your risks and recommend tailored solutions.

Telespazio Germany leverages extensive market knowledge and trend insights to offer long-term optimal support in drones and security technology. With decades of experience in developing, maintaining, and operating highly complex, mission-critical space infrastructure, we create optimized safety concepts tailored to specific customer needs, ensuring stringent project and quality management.

Market Expertise: Decades of experience in complex, mission-critical infrastructure.

Tailored Solutions: Customized safety concepts to meet specific customer needs.

Proven Track Record: Reliable and scalable systems backed by stringent project management.

A Step by Step Process


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