Arthrospira C is an instrument that utilizes the cyanobacterium Arthrospira sp. strain PCC8005, commonly known as Spirulina, for carbon dioxide and nitrate removal, while also producing oxygen and biomass. This technology is being investigated as part of efforts to advance spacecraft life support systems and fresh food production in space.
After its installation by NASA astronaut Nick Hague, Arthrospira C operated continuously for several weeks in the Biolab facility. During this period, science teams closely monitored the biological changes in the bacterium. The oxygen generated by Spirulina was directly released into the ISS, providing astronauts with a fresh supply of air. The experiment also achieved a historic milestone: it became the longest-running bioreactor in space, operating for an impressive 10 weeks.
“They survived and produced oxygen, and we saw that,” said the team from Telespazio Germany.
Telespazio supported the Microgravity User Support Center (MUSC), which is operated by DLR for ESA, in managing the operations of the Biolab Rack, which hosted the Arthrospira C experiment. Their role includes overseeing MUSC management and operational support. This involves preparing the experiment, executing commands from the console, and ensuring that scientific objectives are met. As a payload operations engineer, responsibilities include sending commands to the experiment and monitoring its progress. Additionally, temperature adjustments, medium exchanges, fixation procedures, and crew activities are all supported remotely from the ground.