Telespazio Germany joins the EAMTC – European Aviation Maintenance Training Committee

16 Oktober 2023

The EAMTC is a not-for-profit organization that focuses on improving the quality and standardisation of European aviation maintenance training.

Telespazio Germany, as a trusted state-of-the-art aviation maintenance training and simulation solutions provider, is pleased to announce its collaboration with the European Aviation Maintenance Training Committee (EAMTC). This partnership highlights Telespazio Germany's commitment to developing systems and technologies that improve access to maintenance training for professionals from various companies and institutions.

Telespazio Germany provides extensive training programs, simulators, and e-learning solutions, enabling aviation professionals to strengthen their skills and knowledge. Its dedication to delivering superior training experiences through Computer-Based Training (CBT), Cockpit Procedure Trainers (CPT), Virtual Maintenance Trainers (VMT), Flight Training Simulators (FTS) or Part Task Trainers (PTT) has made it a preferred partner for aviation organisations worldwide.

EAMTC, known for its expertise in setting industry standards and promoting best practices, provides a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the development of innovative training solutions.

By partnering with EAMTC, Telespazio Germany reaffirms its commitment to delivering high-quality maintenance training programs and solutions that meet the evolving needs of the industry. Telespazio aims to develop realistic environments that enable hands-on training, whether it is training for an isolated task or flight training, developing authentic and immersive simulators that reflect its clients' complex systems.

"Together, we will work towards developing and implementing standardized, effective training methodologies that enhance safety, efficiency, and competence in the industry", expressed Nikica Spoljar, ICT Sales Manager at Telespazio Germany. "We eagerly anticipate our collaboration with EAMTC and our participation in the 79th General Assembly in Athens scheduled for November 2023”

As an EAMTC partner, Telespazio will actively participate in regular General Assembly committee meetings and contribute to the industry working groups. Telespazio Germany invites aviation maintenance professionals, training organizations, and industry stakeholders to join EAMTC and collectively contribute to the elevation of aviation maintenance training standards in Europe.


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S-1C: Vorbereitung, Simulationen und LEOP als Software-Koordinator.

Die Daten-Systemingenieure von Telespazio Germany, Valerio Marcelli und Willian Abreu Ferreira, arbeiten als Software-Koordinatoren für die Mission Copernicus Sentinel 1C.

Unser Besuch im Johnson Space Center der NASA: VR-Robotertraining

Der Hauptanlass für den Besuch von Abhirup Bose, dem Astronauten-XR-Ingenieur von Telespazio Deutschland, in Houston war die Übergabe einer aktualisierten Version der JIVE-Software.

Sauerstoffproduktion im Weltraum: Das Arthrospira-C-Experiment

Das Team von Telespazio Germany am MUSC (DLR) hat seine Aktivitäten nach mehreren Wochen intensiver Arbeit zur Unterstützung eines der spannendsten Experimente auf der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

Rahmenvertrag für Unterstützungsdienste an die EUSPA

Telespazio wurde im Rahmenvertrag für Unterstützungsdienste an die EUSPA und die Europäische Kommission mit zwei Losen im Wert von über 144 Millionen Euro ausgezeichnet.

S-1C: Vorbereitung, Simulationen und LEOP als Software-Koordinator.

Die Daten-Systemingenieure von Telespazio Germany, Valerio Marcelli und Willian Abreu Ferreira, arbeiten als Software-Koordinatoren für die Mission Copernicus Sentinel 1C.

Unser Besuch im Johnson Space Center der NASA: VR-Robotertraining

Der Hauptanlass für den Besuch von Abhirup Bose, dem Astronauten-XR-Ingenieur von Telespazio Deutschland, in Houston war die Übergabe einer aktualisierten Version der JIVE-Software.